Recognising climate change as one of the greatest threats to life on Earth. CoCoon will accelerate the transfer of knowledge in bio-design and bio-fabrication.
The project will identify suitable living bio-based solutions used to produce materials that replace fossil-based materials. CoCoon will develop methodologies for teaching bio-design to educators and students at universities, vocational schools and life-long learners. The objective is to increase awareness of the most promising existing technologies globally and empower people to find alternative ways of making more environmentally sustainable products.

01 Methods
The project’s name, CoCoon, comes from a transitional structure from the natural environment that provides a safe shelter that allows larvae transformation into butterflies. Mirroring natural cocoons, this project will provide learners with support for developing bio-design skills to take on future challenges. The aim is to steer traditional education towards bio-based methodologies, structuring core capabilities for green fabrication.
02 Toolkits
The bio-prototyping modules provide flexibility supplying learning systems adaptability in the green transition allowing take up of new methods at their own speed. Developing modules that allow take up of bio-design methods in a wide array of learning systems supports the development of green innovations.
03 Research
The methods developed in CoCoon will have a clear potential to be mainstreamed in one or more sectors.
Sustainable Biobased solutions have been developed in research institutions and have achieved a level of robustness to reach wider audiences. Identifying these solutions and developing them into methods for an audience outside a research lab is a forward-looking idea. Making the green transition more inclusive between actors and disciplines.
Seeds of change

To ensure a transfer of innovation CoCoon will build on enduring infrastructures for digital fabrication and design by studying existing methods of green fabrication globally and introducing recommendations into Fab Labs. Open workshops, such as Fab Labs and maker spaces, offer unique opportunities to accelerate bio-based innovation. Primarily situated in educational institutions, they support a large community of innovators, learners, motivated makers and solution seekers from the industry while reaching out to the public and supporting entrepreneurs. This vast network of labs can stimulate the mainstreaming of bio-based solutions by reaching professionals and updating their skillset towards more sustainable methods.

In an era marked by unprecedented ecological and social challenges with the pressing need for sustainable solutions, biodesign has been a promising field offering to address complex challenges.
30 de janeiro de 2024 às 12:00:00
As the needs of makerspaces and FabLabs continue to grow and evolve with the integration of other fields into design, the needs and requirements of our labs need to adapt to keep up with the advancements.
30 de abril de 2024 às 12:00:00
As the CoCoon project concluded its second meeting it marks a significant leap forward for the CoCoon project. Hosted by Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland, from September 11 to September 15, 2023
18 de setembro de 2023 às 12:00:00
In September, the CoCoon team gathered at Aalto University for their second project meeting. The highlight of this gathering was the CoCoon Co-Creation Workshop, which brought together a diverse group of stakeholders.
12 de setembro de 2023 às 22:00:00
As CoCoon continues to hatch its ambitious mission, this first deliverable stands as a testament to the project's dedication to shaping a more sustainable and eco-conscious future through education and design.
31 de agosto de 2023 às 22:00:00
Applications until: 8th September 2023.
Send application to the following email: thora@flr.is
15 de maio de 2023 às 22:00:00
Applications until: 8th September 2023.
Send application to the following email: americo.mateus@ismat.pt
15 de maio de 2023 às 22:00:00