OC02: Open call for Cocoon subcontractor expert on Biofabrication and Biomaterials

Thora Oskarsdottir
15 de maio de 2023 às 22:00:00
Applications until: 8th September 2023.
Send application to the following email: thora@flr.is
About the open call
Applications until: 8th September 2023
Profile of participants: Individual researchers and recognized research centers with proven expertise working with biomaterial and biofabrication research, specialized in Biomineralization in construction and architecture – Bacterial (MICP)
Number of funded positions: 1 Position
Duration : 30 months
Research and Revolutionize the biomaterials landscape with COCOON’s Open call for Biomaterials Expert Senior Researcher
The aim of the Open Call for Biomaterials expert Senior Researcher is to grasp state of the art knowledge in the field of biomaterials and biofabrication research. The COCOON consortium is looking for ground breaking researchers specialized in MICP Biomineralization for construction and architecture, with experience in teaching fabrication methods to a wider audience of designers and makers. We look for someone with an interdisciplinary background in living design and fabrication, mainly through Bacterial research with the appropriate and lab knowledge and experience.
The selection process is a one-step journey, we are looking for the subcontractor for the overall COCOON project duration. Two milestones go no-go to monitor the subcontractor performance and research contributions (M16, M24).
Who can participate
Individual researchers or recognized research centers are eligible to participate. We will accept proposals from participants from all the world, but advising that the selected subcontractors will need to sign a contract including all EU funding ethical, legal and research guidelines clauses.
The ideal candidate will have already built up a research reputation and scientific impact, demonstrating their ability to work collaboratively and in co-creation processes. Our evaluation process places a premium on relevant experience, so be sure to showcase your background during the proposal stage.
We’re seeking applicants with the capacity to travel for project meetings and training workshops and scale-up the COCOON findings, methods, tools and research dissemination, so if you have a game-changing attitude and mindset, now is the time to act!
What’s expected from the contractor:
Continuous support to the Consortium in all areas of the specific expertise of the call, from month 9 to month 36;
Participation in all project management activities- Project and work package online meetings (two per month);
Participation in face-to-face meetings: Helsinki (September 2023), O’Porto (May 2024), Reykjavik (September 2024); Barcelona (March 2025); Portimão (September 2025);
Participation and Scientific Committee member at COCOON Symposium in Barcelona (November 2025);
Co-author of work package deliverables: WP 2 Diagnostic – Policy review, Literature review and Mapping and defining Biology concepts; WP3 – Biodesign materials, methods and processes to Cocoon mainstream prototyping and Biofabrication; WP4 – Academic resources for education and learners, and pilot experiences report; WP 5 – Observatory Methodologies Governance Model; Policy making recommendations; Dissemination Plan and Innovation on Education;
Participate as expert observers on Living Lab Pilot Experience workshops (online);
Co-author scientific papers on related topics;
Resume of the activities for candidates financial proposal:
Travel expenses for Project face-to-face meetings;
Hours for online project meetings, workshops and group discussions;
Hours for participation at COCOON Symposium;
Hours of co-authorship of all 10 project WP deliverables;
Evaluation criteria
The applications will be evaluated by the COCOON steering committee according to the following criteria:
CV – Scientific production Indicators.
Specific indicators on the research focus of biomaterials and biofabrication – articles, projects, conferences.
Applied research project Experience on focus area.
Head / Coordination of Labs – Biolabs
Specialization in Biomineralization in construction and architecture – Bacterial Research
Please send your application including: detailed CV, motivation letter, financial and action plan proposal according to the evaluation criteria described above.
Send application to the following email: thora@flr.is