Setting up an Open Access bioFABLAB: The CoCoon Approach

Fiona Demeur
30 de abril de 2024 às 12:00:00
As the needs of makerspaces and FabLabs continue to grow and evolve with the integration of other fields into design, the needs and requirements of our labs need to adapt to keep up with the advancements.
Through the research of CoCoon, the consortium has been investigating what kind of bioFabLabs or biodesign labs already exist to be able to define the approach of the bioFabLab from the CoCoon perspective.
Building on the research presented in Deliverable 2.1 defining biodesign and biodesign policy, and Deliverable 2.2 mapping the state of the art in biodesign, Deliverable 2.3 presents a strategy and the requirements for setting up the bioFabLab. This will feed into the next phase of the project where the consortium will focus on providing educational modules that can be completed within the bioFabLab.
In the Deliverable 2.3: Open Access bioFABLAB Concept, the CoCoon consortium outlines the current gap between DIY makerspaces and fabrications labs, and what it means to be an open access lab. This is followed by a proposal for setting up a bioFabLab, including the tools and spaces required, as well as safety. The proposal demonstrates that one can start with simple equipment and gradually build a more extensive bioFabLab.
In addition, in Deliverable 2.3 find the case study of BioLab Lisboa, a successful model of a bioFabLab which has been open since 2022. Rafael Calado, was kind enough to share some insights in how they deal with complex issues such as providing open access to the community while maintaining a level of safety. Find out more about BioLab Lisboa in the deliverable.
Through this deliverable, the CoCoon consortium hopes to inspire others to expand their makerspaces or FabLabs to include areas for biodesign and working with different organisms. The deliverable aims to make the concept of the bioFabLab more tangible and to demonstrate it does not have to be as complex as one might think. Read about the details by downloading the Deliverable 2.3 here
Are you interested in setting up a bioFabLab or do you want to learn more about the project? Feel free to reach out to us! We would be happy to hear from you!