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Growing the future: CoCoon's second deliverable showcases best practices in bio-design

Growing the future: CoCoon's second deliverable showcases best practices in bio-design

Ena Naito

30 de janeiro de 2024 às 12:00:00

In an era marked by unprecedented ecological and social challenges with the pressing need for sustainable solutions, biodesign has been a promising field offering to address complex challenges.

Growing the Future: CoCoon’s second deliverable showcases best practices in biodesign.
Text by Ena Naito

In an era marked by unprecedented ecological and social challenges with the pressing need for sustainable solutions, biodesign has been a promising field offering to address complex challenges.
As CoCoon continues to actively take part in educational initiatives and research, the team has put together a resource that explores the state-of-the-art of biodesign, highlighting promising transferrable practices that can revolutionise how we approach design education for sustainability.
This deliverable (D2.2) identifies and maps emerging best practices which apply biology concepts to the field of design. Based on the outcomes of literature reviews, benchmarking activities, and case study analyses, this report elaborates on recent project cases from partner institutions within the consortium, in addition to initiatives from the EU and global endeavours.
The purpose of this deliverable is twofold: 1) internally, to establish the foundation for the WP3, in order to inform the development of bio-prototyping modules for educators and learners; and 2) more broadly, to showcase the range of existing bio-design projects which have the potential to cultivate competences for sustainable development.

The insight in this document is built upon CoCoon’s first deliverable (D2.1), and firstly acknowledges the diverse understandings of bio-design as a concept.
This is followed by research on the state-of-the art applications of bio-design in the built environment, product design, and fashion industry – the domains which have been identified as having the most potential for leveraging bio-design. It also describes the various set-ups in which bio-design can be practiced, from at-home DIY to advanced techniques in research institutions.
The main section is presented as a catalogue of selected bio-design projects. The catalogue is structured according to the primary organisms used, exemplifying the broad range of techniques applicable to each organism dependent on design/research objectives.
The deliverable concludes by reflecting upon the role of designers in the continual development of bio-design.
CoCoon continues their journey towards building a framework for open access bioFABLABs, which will be shared through the upcoming deliverable.

Take a look here:

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