Type of education provided – VET/Upper Secondary Education and Life Wide Learning: Fab Lab Reykjavík is part of Fjolbrautaskolinn i Breidholti (FB), a comprehensive upper secondary school offering vocational and academic courses. The college is the second largest upper secondary school in Iceland, with 1500 students and 110 teachers. In addition to preparing pupils for various academic studies at the university level, FB offers qualifications in specialised branches of vocational learning recognised and confirmed by the government. Since 1997 FB has cooperated with several countries and has taken part in many EU activities and projects within Erasmus+ and Nordplus. FB has also taken part in several VETPRO projects with student and staff exchanges and mobilities. The staff involved in our projects are all skilled teachers and administrators with full qualifications and several years of experience in EU projects. In October 2016 FB was awarded the Erasmus+ VET Mobility Charter by The Icelandic Erasmus+ National Agency. It recognises the operational capacity of the school to manage high-quality mobility projects.
Fab Lab Reykjavík supports citizens working on prototypes and learners building digital skills. It offers an array of courses for life wide learners. In association with universities and upper secondary schools Fab Lab Reykjavik offers accredited courses aimed to support innovation by building prototyping skills. In Iceland, Fab Labs are very interconnected with policymakers at the national level. Providing access to Fab Labs has been implemented into the Icelandic innovation policy to support digital skills and innovation. Providing a solid foundation to accelerate future skills for innovation green fabrication has a clear role in the Fab Lab inventory. The Federation of Icelandic industries revealed that 2022 is the Green Industrial Revolution year. Iceland is, therefore, particularly receptive to the CoCoon project.
Fab Lab Reykjavík is a full stack Fab Lab it is the largest Fab Lab in the Iceland and receives 8500 visits a year. The workshop has launched a number of educational projects in the field of innovation and is a powerful partner in a variety of innovation projects.